Wednesday, October 02, 2013

News & Entertainment

I am so tired tonight, and really without a theme to write about. My work situation is still ongoing. I'm hoping to find out more tomorrow or Friday about exactly what extra work I'm going to have to take on permanently. It may be doable, but I really don't like the way this whole thing has played out.

Last night I went to see Don Jon with Amber. It was not bad. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a trashy New Jersey normal joe sex addict who objectifies a new woman every night until he meets Scarlett Johansson and thinks he's in love. It's surprisingly coarse and digs deeper than you'd think a mainstream movie would into the intertwined problems of gender roles, sex, pop culture, porn, and the romantic ideal. But not really that deep, in the end... Still, lots of fun. JoGo has no limits to his range, it seems.

Finally, the October issue of KC Spidle's new hip coffee-shop read, Concrete News, will be hitting the counters very soon. I've got a record review in this one, and there's a very short horror story for Hallowe'en. I'm just about to proof Meg's excellent layout so it can go to press tomorrow. Can't wait to read the new "Yeah Right" comic!

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