Saturday, October 12, 2013

New Favourite Record

Yesterday after work I went to the record store to pick up a few things I'd been meaning to grab for awhile. Sebadoh's new album and Cousins' split EP with Construction & Destruction, to be precise. But while I was there, I noticed this old Ravi Shankar album and decided I needed some more of that guy in my collection. And so far, it's been the record of the long weekend over here.

My roommate, Dave, has gone camping till Sunday night, so I have the place to myself for a couple of days. I haven't spent much time at home lately, so it's a nice feeling to lounge around in the Saturday sunshine, drink some coffee, work on a crossword, and enjoy these simultaneously mellow and exciting ragas. A perfect weekend, IMHO.

The Sebadoh's just OK, by the way. And the Cousins is on neat blue vinyl, but kind of sounds like crap.

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