Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Buster can type!

Hiya, folks!
Here's a link to where Ali's portfolio is temporarily residing while she attempts to make a website:
Check it out, why don'tcha?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Upcoming Show

Been busy lately working on this...

- Andrew

Monday, June 09, 2008

I'm in!

I found out on my birthday that I have been accepted to the Viewpoint! Yay! Thanks everybody for your support and kind words. I know I was pretty stressed out (read: beeotchy) for the last few weeks leading up to the deadline. Fun Ali is back!!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I did it!

Today I submitted my portfolio to the Viewpoint Gallery on Barrington Street. It is an artist run co-op for photographers with a beautiful gallery space right downtown! I'll let you know how it turns out as soon as I hear anything. Wish me luck!! Here are a couple of samples of what they will see:

These images are from my trip to Saskatchewan in 2006. The red building is an old grain elevator in Hepburn where my Mom grew up. The elevator is now called The Museum of Wheat.

These two photos are from Higgins Beach in Maine. Hannah didn't know I was taking this picture but she made an excellent model.

Ali xoxo