Friday, October 29, 2010

Acceptable Things Come to Those Who Wait

OK, after three weeks of no blogging, this is possibly the most anticlimactic post ever, but I just had to relate that I literally could not stop laughing tonight after seeing this portrait on Awkward Family Photos. The caption is "Thanks to the special people behind the scenes."

Like, really couldn't stop. I was crying and gasping for air and eventually trying not to think about it anymore. I don't know why it struck me as the funniest thing in the world at that moment. I mean, it's funny, sure, but this actually felt like I might be going a little crazy. Something about those hands reaching in, trying to get the kids into just the right position while the whole family is in complete agony... Uh oh, I'm starting to chuckle again. Better stop talking about it.

Otherwise, nothing really is going on around here. Nothing anyone would want to hear about, anyway. Oh, except that my reading was interrupted for awhile because my Kobo broke. I sent it back to the company, though, and they sent me a new one pretty quickly. So now I'm back into Anne of Green Gables, which is still, Jennifer 1, as charming as before. And I've finished Knut Hamsun's Pan, which, Jennifer 2, was really great and thanks for the recommendation. At first I wasn't sure I would like it — so much description of woods and nothing really happening — but then I started getting into it and pretty soon I was hoping nothing would happen because all the description had a real magical quality to it that might get ruined by action. Of course, stuff does eventually happen, and it seems all the more dramatic by comparison. Especially the end of Chapter 34, which may be the most tragic thing I've ever read. I felt like someone had just punched me hard in the chest. Yow. Really though, thanks!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Fall

Hey, all! Happy Thanksgiving!

It was a bee-U-ti-ful day here in Halifax so we went for a little walk. We checked out the Shearwater Flyer Trail in Dartmouth and now our feet hurt! But it was worth it. Here are a few pics. The first two aren't actually from today, but I thought they were cute. It's Abbie, the sweet little neighbour kitty who meows grumpily when you say hi to her. Anyway... I hope you all had a lovely day as well.


Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Granite & Ivory

So here are those photos of Prospect I promised you. I guess the waves I mentioned are not really in evidence. But there's plenty of rocks. And I think the mood of the whole place is captured quite nicely — eery, austere, and beautiful. I know you Facebookers have seen these already, but there are still a few of us around who don't swing that way.

And the other news around here is that we got a piano! Our friends Alain and Carolyn decided they would rather have the space in their living room that the piano was occupying than the piano itself, as Carolyn has taken up the harp instead, and so they GAVE it to us! It was fairly expensive to move, and now the living room isn't going to look right until we get all new furniture, but so what? We have a piano! Alison's planning on taking some lessons, and I've got some Chopin and some Scott Joplin I'm going to learn. Plus, it's really fun to just noodle around on. (Our poor landlords downstairs...) Expect some new songs out of here this winter.

Oh yeah, and one more thing: I don't want to alarm anyone, but there's already egg nog available at the Superstore. That's at least two weeks earlier than last year, which was already bloggably premature. Season's greetings!