Monday, October 14, 2013

New Beck!

I heard a Beck song I'd never heard before in a coffee shop today. Of course I got all excited that he had put out a new album without my hearing about it. (The last thing resembling an album I'd heard of him putting out, since 2008's underrated Modern Guilt, was some collection of songs that existed only as sheet music. An interesting idea, but I could never be bothered to invest the time learning to play them just to find out what Beck songs might sound like if Beck had his less talented cousin record them.) Unfortunately, there turned out not to be any such new album yet.

However. The good news is that:

a) Beck has a new acoustic album in the works (maybe returning to the stripped down anti-folk of One Foot in the Grave, oh please, oh please?),

b) he has released three separate singles over the past few months that don't seem to be preview tracks from said album (seeing as they're decidedly electric in nature), the second of which was the one I heard today, and

c) they're all really good.

Did other people know about this? Why had no one alerted me? I really gotta start paying more attention.

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