Sunday, October 09, 2005

Day of Consumption

Don't worry, no one has a deathly old time-y disease. We just spent all day at the mall, spending money like good little capitalists today. I know I said we would be going into the practice space today, but instead we caught the bus out to the pedestrian-unfriendly outskirts of the city to support slave-wage labour in undeveloped countries. And when the time came to play some music, six hours later, we were still enjoying the loud "easy listening" music, dour service, and general homogeneity so much that it completely slipped our minds.

I needed some new clothes, y'see. Pretty badly, actually. And I have to say I was surprised to find that there is actually quite a lot of men's clothing to be had out there that I don't hate. And some of it's not even that expensive. What's been going on in the world, anyway? Now I feel like everyone around me must have been wondering for some time what's going on with that bum whose duds are all second hand and ill-fitting.

Why do I look so gigantic in this shot? "Curioser and curioser," said Alice.

I ended up getting four shirts and a pair of pants, and I may have to go back to pick up a few other items. The store was called "The Cleft" or "The Notch" or something like that. I don't know if you'll be able to find one in your area, but if you can it's really worth checking out.

But so anyway, while we were in bourgeoisieland we broke down and finally bought a cheap digital point-and-shoot camera, with which we took these pictures when we got home, and ..... movies! Check it out:

-- A super dull movie of Ali cooking dinner that's been removed for memory reasons. --

OK, so Akira Kurosawa I ain't. I may have to learn a thing or two about lighting, for instance, but still. We're in the 21st century! I'm not ready for the scrap heap yet.

Jams will be kicked out tomorrow.

- Andrew

-- This was a really dark and boring movie of me petting Buster, our cat. It's been deleted to make room for marginally more interesting things. --
If you listen really closely you can hear Buster purring underneath the annoying mattress salesman.


St. Louis Family said...

Wow, is that ever cool...why doesn't my very expensive digital camera do video?! It took few times for the video to play right through to the end...but well worth the wait! It's so nice seeing you guys in your home-today! Love Dana

Anonymous said...

Fun to see you in your new attire. Did Ali get new clothes too? The 2 pictures which are supposed to be video are just black boxes on my computer. Is that why you said you had to learn about lighting?
Now they're blank spaces with nothing there. I'll keep trying.

Andrew said...

I think Castpost was maybe down for awhile or something. Seems to work now.

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving my lovely friends! I 'm enjoying your blog a whole bunch...but would rather hang out in person! Let's do that the next day or so, yes? Love ya!
