Sunday, September 25, 2005

Gabbo is coming.

I have a really good idea for this blog. You're going to like it. I tried it out the other day, and it didn't work, but that was only due to a small goofup in technique which I can easily fix.

I know I've promised you incredible results in the past from so-called "brilliant" ideas which for one reason or another didn't pan out. I can see how you could have become skeptical by now and frankly I don't blame you. If I were in your position, I would also be thinking, "Here comes another electric diaper," or, "Why would we even want blowfish that can walk on land?" or simply, "How many people are going to have to die this time?" but I ask you to trust me one last time. This thing is going to be super fantastically, mindblowingly, super great. Really.

Yesterday was an entire day of softball. The playoffs. We played three games in a row, starting at 11:00, of which we won exactly zero. It was pretty exhausting and not always so much fun, really. But I did get a few incredible plays in, and I guess we weren't completely tired of it after the last game, because we then stuck around to watch another team play their fourth game, and after that had an impromptu fielding practice. Today Ali's and my faces are bright red and we feel kind of woozy. Plus, every muscle in my back and legs has become a painfully inflexible piece of sinew. Think there's gonna be some easy-taking of her today.

- Andrew


St. Louis Family said...

So...what is it?

Andrew said...

You'll just have to wait and see...

- Andrew