Saturday, September 10, 2005

Curmudgeonly Rambling

We've been trying to get this blogamajig working on our nineteenth century calculating engine at home and it seems that many things are not possible. I can't control the typeface, for instance, but more importantly we can't upload photos. I'll have to do that part at work on my hypermodern supercomputer. Expect pictures that are not taken from the chesterco website any day now.

The summer's been really nice with lots of socializing and carousing, and now the weather's starting to cool off in a not unpleasant way. If only the autumn didn't bring so many lousy students with it, it might be Halifax's finest season. I've heard a lifetime's worth of the words "like" and "whoo" in just the last week. Plus they make the grocery stores look as if they've been ravaged by pestilence. Which come to think of it I guess they have.

Our friend Jeff is in town now, visiting from Toronto, so we're getting to see quite a bit of him. He works every day at a library in Vaughan -- a five dollar, hour and a half commute each way on the TTC and North York Transit, for any non-Ontarians who may have stumbled on here. I think he's basically waiting until a library job comes up in Halifax. He says his coworkers are always asking him when he's going to either buy a car or move to Vaughan, and he doesn't have the heart to point out that there's a third option they are omitting.

Camping last weekend was really great, what with the beach bonfire and the ubiquitous deer and the rockclimbing, but this weekend we have to get this house in order. It's a huge mess. I think a big part of the problem is that we have about twice as much stuff as will fit comfortably in our little minihome, and don't know where to put it, so it just ends up in little random piles all over the place. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of randomness from way back, but this is approaching the chaotic. Seriously, it's like being a pinball trying to get around in here. It's gonna be a big job, which I guess explains the fact that you're being treated to a scintillating new post.

We were at our friends' Charles and Kelly's house last night for some cheese, potato salad and beer, and Kelly had this book lying out that I became totally obsessed with. It was a compilation of something called "Found" magazine. I don't know if you've heard about it, but it's such a great, simple idea. I just checked out their website: I don't know whether that link will work or not, but do yourself a favour and copy/paste if it doesn't.

I guess that's it for now. Gotta start ruthlessly throwing stuff out. We're going to try to keep this new-fangled diary machine updated fairly regularly, but who knows how that will work out? I'll give you some photos to look at on Monday.

- Andrew

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