Friday, September 16, 2005

Russafrussa, diddley doodley...

Man, did I ever end up in a bad mood last night! Maybe I still am a bit. Work yesterday comprised having a really interesting project handed over to me and then gradually taken back away from me bit by bit, topped off at the end with the handing out of time sheets which I guess we are all expected to fill out from now on, listing what we've done each half hour.

Right after work, we went to see a special preview of this crappy movie, Proof, that I'd won tickets to a couple of days before. We had to take the bus out to the industrial park where all the big boxes are to get there, which meant no dinner. Which meant eating french fries with Kraft Dinner cheese on them and frozen yogurt in the theatre, while non-stop promos and announcers blared at us. The movie was a hunk o' junk with no changes in any of the characters' situations or plot of any sort; don't bother seeing it. Then on the bus back we ran into Matt's friend whose name I infuriatingly can't remember and that reminded me how much I miss Matt and that we haven't gone into the practice space or worked on any music once in the month since he left.

Then walking home we ran into Charles, who filled us in that a woman who owes me a lot of money no longer works for the organization through which she owes it to me, and that a really good friend of ours has kind of gone off the deep end and has been wandering around à la Harry Dean Stanton in Paris, Texas.

Pshhhew! Hopefully today will be better. Wish me luck.

- Andrew


EJ said...

Good luck! Thank goodness the weekend is here. Always a good chance to rejuvinate. Thanks for the advice on picking a goal. The only problem is that making decisions has never been my strong point. Something to work on though:)

St. Louis Family said...

What a rotten day! I wished I lived near's pouring rain here today and I would make you a big warm bowl of soup!
Love, Dana

Anonymous said...

Talking about rain, checking your blog for Ophelia, she should be a gift of rain.