Thursday, April 28, 2011

You Cannot Serve Both Fog and Money

Well, I bit the bullet and paid the government yesterday. My dad gave me some advice that managed to knock almost 500 bucks off what I owed, so thanks for that, Dad! He thought it was pretty ironic that I was trying to pay as little in taxes as possible while voting for the NDP, but I don't think it's so surprising that I wouldn't want to give my money to the government when I don't like what they're doing with it. Plus, 27.7% — come on! I mean, we're not exactly high on the proverbial hog over here.

Today is quite foggy and dreary, but in a spooky, quiet way that's not completely unpleasant. There was a blue jay sitting in the tree outside my office window when I sat down to start working, and the whole scene made me think of this song. Possibly my favourite George Harrison number. I always wonder whether he intended the neat counterculture pun, "Don't belong."

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