Thursday, April 07, 2011

Plucking the Ivories

Here's a little snippet of me noodling on our piano. It's a pretty terrible recording — I think I need either a different microphone or a different preamp. Maybe both. There's some kind of limiting going on so that it kind of sounds more like a banjo than a piano, and that's even after I loaded on tons of compression and reverb to tart it up. Plus, the sustain pedal makes an awful lot of noise. Have to get that fixed.

But anyway, I guess you can at least hear THAT I'm using the piano, if not what it actually sounds like. I do like this little tunelet...


St. Louis Family said...

Did you make up that piece? It sounds nothing like a banjo to me! Sounded beautiful. It's nice to hear music that I know you were playing in your home, I can picture you there (except that I've never been to your place).

Andrew said...

Well, it just has this weird plunky attack, like it's being clipped, and then a super-fast decay. I made it up, yeah. Thanks, Dane.