Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gloomy Tuesday

Did anyone else feel incredibly bummed out today? I guess saying goodbye to two thousand bucks probably had something to do with it. But also, Tuesdays in general I always find to be downers. Way worse than Mondays. Monday at least is a change from the weekend. But Tuesday just feels like you've still got the whole week ahead of you, except you've had a day already to get stuff done so you'd really better get on things, and what exactly is the point, anyway? Plus it was rainy and cold. I dunno, man... Something I really don't like about Tuesdays.

We went to see Jane Eyre as it was cheap night at the movies. It looked really beautiful and the acting was fine and everything. I guess I just didn't realize what a straight-up romance the story was, having never read it. Kind of boring. That'll teach me to make assumptions about the classics.


Pen & Rix Place said...

Sorry your Tuesday was so crummy. Mine was pretty good. Sun came out for several hours and it went to 21 degrees for the first time. I took the day off, worked in gardens,got lots of stuff done, and the guy working on our new front steps got to finish most of the job. Then a big rain storm moved in but it was still OK until Montreal lost the hockey game.

Pen & Rix Place said...

i just realized yesterday was Wed. You didn't post anything yesterday so my good day was actually not Tuesday. I think I taught all day and it rained so the kids couldn't go out. Probably it was a downer day.

Andrew said...

Yeah, Tuesdays are for chumps!

St. Louis Family said...

Tuesday my cat bit me while visiting the vet and since then I have been on an oral antibiotic, had a tetanus shot, had an IV antibiotic, a new oral antibiotic, had all 3 of my animals quarantined, and a home care professional is arriving in the next hour to administer one of 3 more IV antibiotics! Tuesdays do stink! So do some cats!