Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Hard Times

Oh, lord. What HASN'T been going on? Let's see, let's see...
  1.  I gave Stephen Harper $12,000 to do with as he sees fit.

  2.  I watched Lars von Trier's Melancholia (see fig. A, above). Twice. I feel like I want to tell you all about it hyperenthusiatically but can't because I'd have to give awesome surprises away. Let me just say that I was not much of a fan of Trier's before this (although I'd forgotten he also made The Idiots, which I did kind of love), so if Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark and possibly Dogville all made you angry with their brutal treatment of angelic female characters, don't let that stop you from checking out this one. You'll be thinking about it days later, in a good way, I swear. And when you do, ask yourself this bonus question: Does Melancholia, the planet, bring on melancholia, the condition, or vice versa? Hmmm?

  3. Buster has apparently been ignoring his food and leaving presents on Alison's living room floor that would be better positioned in his litter box. I may have to take him back.

  4. Amber is in the hospital for three weeks, having had a giant growth removed from around her knee. She probably won't be able to walk for two more months after that, during which time she'll be living with her mom on the Eastern Shore. She's not exactly happy.

  5. My eye rash has finally cleared up, possibly because Buster and his weird cat litter are no longer living here (but see point 3, above).

  6. A client who is months late in paying me $300 has outright refused to pay the further $1,700 he has accumulated in late fees over the past couple of years. He's also stopped giving me work or returning my calls, and I've seen posters advertising his services around town that were not done by me. I'm going to have to take him to small claims court.

  7. I gave notice to my landlords that I won't be renewing my lease at the end of July as I can't afford this place by myself, not least because of point 1. Where I will be living and with whom are undetermined.

  8. My lower back is giving me problems and I'm not sleeping well. It's unclear which is cause and which effect.

  9. Even though I never have any money, I seem to be so overwhelmed with work that I can barely get it done. How is this possible? See points 1, 6, and 7, I guess?

  10. Wah.


I'm still playing and writing a lot of music, and really loving it. I've also been to some great shows recently (Bad Vibrations, Monomyth/Hymm/Air-Fire/JFM) and read or reread a few inspiring books (Black Swan Green, The Wisdom of Insecurity, Freedom Evolves). And I'll be spending a week with my parents and sisters in Ontario for my mom's birthday later in the month. So all is far from desperate.


Anonymous said...

OK It's time to do Facebook. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it didn't like the 2 crazy long words I tried to copy.

I am happy that you are coming for a visit and will try to block off some days so we can hang out.
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

Carol Anne here. Love that your Mom is giving you the Facebook talk. :) And wow, a lot of things going on. Any lines on a new place yet?

Andrew said...

No, not yet, Carol. And even more things going on than you could imagine. Hoo boy. I'm off to visit me folks soon, but I'll drop you a line from there.

Thanks for the comments! Nice to feel read...