Sunday, March 12, 2006


Hey, folks. Don't feel much like blogging this evening. Just finished doing a bunch of freelance and brought-home design work, and now I'm trying to get to bed. But here's an illustrated depiction of my solo show on Thursday night.

It was very low-key and quiet. Pretty intense, actually. I've kind of figured out that I don't really like playing solo and that the only people I would just as soon see play solo as with a band are Billy Bragg, Joni Mitchell, and Thelonious Monk. I'll probably think of others later. But anyway, I might want to try it one more time with an mp3-player loaded with backing tracks, to see if that's any more fun. Lest you think it didn't go over well, though, it did. All twelve audience members had a real nice time.

We went to see the Super Friendz last night, which was fantastic, as one would expect, and Mike O'Neill opened for them with his new band, i.e. drummer, which was also fantastic and a rare treat as he hasn't performed live in some time. Good to see him in top form and enjoying himself. The show was at the Grawood, which is a really weird student bar at Dalhousie. Loud, dark, and kind of unpleasant. Cheap beers, though.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had incredibly warm weather for this time of year, and spent a lot of time walking around in it. Now I'm tired and must rest my corporeal form. Have a nice night!

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the show went well despite the low turnout. Pictures look great. Dad and I went to Montreal for the weekend to help Granny Gwen with jobs in the new digs and to visit poppa. Had a nice meal at a french restaurant on Monkland on Friday night. Spent most of the day with Poppa while Dad helped GG. Then we had a great salmon dinner on Sat. at GG's. It's March Break so have the next week off, then Marilen and I go to Punta Cana on March 21 for a week.

Take care,

EJ said...

Glad to hear you guys had some nice weather too. We had a really warm weekend. Today is 17 degrees and raining all day, then it's going back down to zero tonight.