Thursday, March 16, 2006

Laundering Money

Of course there's lots of craaayzee shenanigans going on as always, but I only want to quickly mention a couple of things:

1. We did our laundry tonight, as we do about once a week, and I think I noticed something very interesting, which no one ever talks about. I believe it is a general fact of human nature that everyone likes packing up the socks. The rest of the folding is a huge pain in the ass, but I'll do it willingly because I know when I get through it I'll be let at that pile of socks just waiting to be paired up and made into tidy little balls. Why is that such a gratifying activity? My theory is that it makes us feel incredibly intelligent to know we can successfully find the right match for each one, like kids playing the memory game, and then earn the reward of creating an entirely new thing out of the two matches. And I think this is a universal truth. Please correct me if I'm mistaken, though.

Speaking of hosiery, we were wondering on the weekend, due to a misleading crossword clue, whether "hose," as in stockings, is singular or plural. You can't say, "I am wearing a hose," right?

2. It's looking like we're probably not going to take that Cuba vacation after all. Alison's been trying to get a bank loan to buy all this photographic equipment at a good rate from a guy she knows well, but they won't go for it because she has no credit history. No history is good history, I say, but they don't see it that way. So I guess we'll have to use our savings to cover it. Which is a very worthy thing to be spending our savings on; it just means we won't have enough for a big whoop-dee-doo trip after all. We'll probably figure out some kind of cottage rental or something instead, and save the whoop-dee-doo for later.

I don't think that was actually the second thing I was going to mention, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. I am very tired and definitely shouldn't stay up to watch The Office, but that's exactly what I'm going to do because I don't see enough of people acting like insensitive boobs to comic effect during the day.

- Andrew


St. Louis Family said...

It's definately "a pair of hose". I think what you're saying about the socks is true, although that's the part I often leave for the kids. They get a thrill out of matching them, that's for sure. Shame about your vacation...I was so curious to hear about Cuba, I've heard very positive things so far but haven't ever been. I know Jason loved it. Maybe you can still go another time? - Dana

Anonymous said...

hi andrew, i only have time to comment on the sock issue. i agree with the satisfaction of making a wicked sock ball but i don't think it is a universal truth.Johanna makes the wimpiest sock balls that i've ever seen in my life. In fact they disturb me greatly - it is so unsatisfying to watch and to see the final result. basically the 2 ends are tsuck together and the rest is left dangling. i almost can't even wear the socks that are paired that way. is something wrong with me?

Andrew said...

I'm glad you brought that up, Danny. No, there is nothing wrong with you that a little group therapy and a lot of patience can't fix. The wimpy, dangling sock "ball" is a sadly common effect of the phenomenon known as self-abasing laundry arrangement disorder, or SALAD. The victim of this disorder is ironically better than average at pattern recognition and can pair socks with a speed and efficiency sometimes bordering on the superhuman. In her heart, she would dearly love to make a nice fat sock ball trophy to celebrate each match, however she is afraid of appearing arrogant or smug to the other laundromat patrons. So instead, she purposely makes herself look more dim-witted than she really is by packing the paired socks in this retarded fashion. The usual causes of this heartbreaking disease, for that is what it is, are Catholic guilt or an early childhood humiliation involving footwear.

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

thanks for the advice and i feel alot better about myself. it also helps to have my power animal which IS the sock ball.
take care and keep making huge balls,
don't leave it dangling!

Anonymous said...

clothes are folded, socks are clothes, therefore sock are folded, not rolled up! that is the law - johanna