Monday, March 27, 2006

Loose Ends

Finally, here is the Joni Mitchell song I was raving about a few posts ago. I had to create a new Castpost account to get it to work.

I forgot to mention yesterday that it seems Neuseiland will be playing a show soon. Tim's coming down from Toronto for a visit, and there's been talk about an April 13 gig, though I don't believe anyone has actually set anything up yet. Hmm, someone should probably do that... Well, we'll see what happens. Looking forward to seeing Tim, at least.

I feel today like I'm coming down with a cold. I bought some Cold-FX, so I should be OK, but say a prayer to the pagan god of your choice for me. If I come down with this flu that seems to have knocked out my entire family, and then have to play the Junos, there's gonna be hell to pay for the Ontario contingent. OK, chances are slim that I would actually have contracted the virus via some indirect and circuitous route traceable to one of them, but you never know.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that we went to Mitchell Wiebe's art opening at The Speakeasy on Saturday night. He had all sorts of great new material up, which I wish we could afford to purchase some of. We had just been saying the other day that we hadn't seen any of his recent paintings in a long time, so it was nice to see what he's up to. I guess you could say it's a continuation in the same vein he's been working for years, but you'd be using a pretty broad definition of the word "vein" in that case. He's always full of surprises, both funny and fear-inspiring.

- Andrew


St. Louis Family said...

Thanks for getting that Joni Mitchell song's beautiful. I had tried several times to play it on the past posts. Weird, I was just posting a comment on your last post when this post came up. I must be here at the same time as you!

Anonymous said...

hey you have alot on the horizon. Down with hippies - who ever told them they were so hip anyways. The best thing i think that i read, although it all seems like great news, is the rubber band band. Please please please let me audition for it when it gets off the ground. I will move anywhere to be in a rubber band.
Mitch is a good painter, how did his stuff look in the speakeasy?
is that above Ryan Duffys on spring garden?
take care - maybe i can play the sock ball.

Anonymous said...

Rats! How come everyone else can hear the song? I get a second and then it cuts out, then comes back. I'm sure it's a beautiful song.
Just back from Punta Cana - amazing white sand beach which went for 70 km. Got your cheque, thanks. Do you want me to see what I can see in Cuba?


Andrew said...

Yeah, yeah, see what you can get! That'd be great!

Hmm... the song doesn't seem to really be working for me either. Piece of crap. I think you should just go out and buy the album -- it's worth it.

- Andrew

Andrew said...

By the way, the album is Court and Spark.

- Andrew