Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Yoozh

No news here, really. The Lodge show went very well, and we sold some CDs. Still trying to figure out where, when, and with whom to have an official CD release show. The Super Friendz tribute album with my cover of "Fooled at First" is finished now. Sounds pretty good, from the one listen I've given it. On sale sometime this month.

Work continues steadily if not frantically with a shiny new chunk of Web site being delivered to internet fans on Monday (watch for it).

Frost/Nixon is a good but not great docudrama by Ron Howard. Frank Langella is of course highly watchable.

We have a line on a used car. Checking it out this weekend.

In honour of April being Poetry Month, here's a poem I wrote on my lunch hour today:

Roaming the streets of Wolfville,
I long for a familiar face.
This place is not my home and never will be.
Up and down the hill
That forms the village walks an alien race:
What doesn't make me stronger just may kill me.

Dramatic? OK, maybe a little.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

That poem sounds really sad. Is it really that unfriendly a town or just that you haven't gotten to know that many people. Maybe cuz you guys are so busy and always off to Halifax on the weekends. Hope the car idea works out. Talk with you soon.


St. Louis Family said...

I don't know, I can picture it being your home one day...takes a while for somewhere to become home.
I want to visit you guys there some day!

Andrew said...

Yeah, I know a town is always a reflection of the dweller's own mindset. That's really what's going on in this poem: the expression of my mood at a particular time, with respect to my external circumstances. It's more about me than it is about Wolfville. Alison had been gone for two days as I was walking around trying to kill a half hour. I forgot to mention that it's called "New in Town."

- Andrew