Saturday, April 04, 2009

Underappreciated Beatles Songs

OK, there's some kind of weird Beatles thing going on today, where everywhere we go we keep hearing Beatles songs. Plus, yesterday I tried to make a playlist for the right-hand side of the blog comprising Beatles songs I like a lot but don't hear played very much, but iLike, where I usually make such playlists, doesn't have any Beatles songs on it (!!) so I had to make the bummer-of-a-theme one that's there now. But so the weird Beatles thing going on today made me determined to find a way of getting that playlist on here somehow. And I did. I'm sure it's totally illegal, and could be suddenly removed at any time. Enjoy.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that blast from the past. I think Dad and I were just starting to go out when this came out. Either that or it was someone else.


Andrew said...

There's actually quite a few songs on here, if you keep listening to it, spanning a large portion of their career. You were probably just starting to go out somewhere in there. Other people, too.

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

I'll have to listen to more today.
