Monday, January 09, 2006

We apologize for the delay...

Man, I have really been out of sorts since the holidays. I guess I'm not alone in this feeling. At the risk of repeating myself, #*@*!!¿†* Christmas! My regular schedule got thrown all out of whack and putting it back into whack has proven next to impossible, as I was up late every night last week rehearsing for a Link Wray benefit show. The show was on Friday night, and it went pretty well, fun times, etc. Alison took some pictures, most of which didn't turn out so hot. But here are some of the better/kookier ones. I'm on the left hunched over my little MicroKorg.

I've also been spending pretty much any free time I've had getting a poopload of work done for my one remaining freelance client, as she's off to India for a month and had to tie off all loose ends at her store before leaving. So besides feeling generally bummed out and like there's nothing interesting to say, I have actually not had time to blog it up. Yesterday I finally sat down and tried to post something, but because I was morose and unverbose I had to get Alison to play a game with me where we would take turns writing the next word. After kind of a long time, it ended up being some fairly hilarious gibberish that sounded like a retarded person whose first language was not English. But then I tried to do some fancy adjusting of text under one of the photos I'd posted, and accidentally lost the whole post, thereby getting so discouraged that I had to give up entirely. May I take this opportunity to recommend the "Save as Draft" button? Such an undervalued little blue rectangle.

Then this morning I woke up in excruciating pain, basically from being heavier than I should and doing nothing for too long, and felt so super bummed that I didn't even want to get out of bed. Ever. I'd meant to go to the gym and finally get some exercise before work, which probably would have helped a lot, but I couldn't even force myself to do it. Instead, I got up at the last possible second and trudged off to work wondering how much longer I would have to suffer through this physical world.

But I think whack is in sight now. Working all day and getting some projects finished off helped a lot, plus Ali and I have started this five day "cleansing" diet where you eat, like, nothing but fruits and vegetables and drink ginger tea by the gallon. Oh, and you have to eat a teaspoon of sesame seed and raisins after every meal, for some reason. My brain seems at least temporarily back to its semi-normal state and I no longer feel like I was accidentally channelled into the body of an ancient cripple. Tomorrow I am definitely getting up early enough to go to the gym, and you can kick me hard in the kneecap if I lie.

- Andrew Z8^B


EJ said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who got steamrollered by Christmas. You guys and your crazy diets - let me know how it goes. I heard about one that involved drinking a few tablespoons of vinegar every day. Hmmm... is it really worth it?

St. Louis Family said...

Have you had any sunshine lately? I've been very bummed and draggy but the sun came out yesterday and I was practically skipping down the road.