Sunday, November 13, 2005

The guilt, the guilt.

Anyone to whom I owe email(s): Thanks so much for your nice words. Yes, I am a terrible person. No, I haven't written you off. Please be patient with me. You deserve better than what I seem capable of at any given time. Matt, Jeff, Tim, I'm looking at you guys.

Anyone wishing I would post on this blog more often: Screw ya, whaddya think I am, your own private entertainment machine or something? Just kidding. You're absolutely right.

Unfortunately there hasn't been too much to write about. It's getting colder so we're staying in and watching movies more, or rather TV shows collected on DVDs. Just finished the second season of "Arrested Development", which was as always way too funny for it's own good. Also, last week, the first and I think only season of "Undeclared", because we knew Matt was going to be watching it too. It was made by the same people as "Freaks and Geeks" and was just about as good. I had seen one or two episodes when it was on TV, but I'd forgotten that the main character's dad was played by Loudon Wainwright (Rufus's funnier and more talented father). That was a nice bonus.

I'm a little sick of Donald and Martha, but will of course continue to watch them anyway. I think I'll start taping them, though, so I don't have to stay up late. Oh yeah, and we added another drinking game phrase: "presentation" (but only when they pronounce it PREE-zen-TAY-shun).

- Andrew

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