Thursday, February 28, 2013

Born Again Atheist

Crow carrying twig
flies up and down beside me
out the bus window.

Today was sunny and warm and seemed to be full of magical signs expressing a newfound freedom and joy. Many involved crows, strangely, since I usually think of them as symbols of evil and decay. But maybe they were telling me that true freedom and rebirth require acceptance and appreciation of death. Who knows?

Some were more straightforward. I had a therapy appointment downtown in the morning that went really well. I had taken the bus, but the day was so nice when I left that I decided to walk across town to get my hair cut. A poster on a telephone pole I passed said "Future Possible" in large letters over an open green field. It was advertising a series of classical concerts. The next one I saw congratulated me on my "Good Whork," in an ornate, gothic typeface. I marvelled at the relative transparency of the universe's usually quite inscrutable intentions, and patted my own back on its behalf. A block later, I saw the same goth poster again and realized this time that it was actually for an upcoming show by a metal band called "Goat Whore." But I was already in too good a mood to do anything but laugh about it.

A couple of days ago felt like:

But today was much more:

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