Monday, May 02, 2011

Voting Day!

This is very important. I hope everyone will take the time to voice her opinion. How often do you get to be part of such a crucial decision? It only takes a few seconds, and every single vote is counted, so please do your duty as a Canadian radio listener and music lover by checking out The Lodge's entry in Long & McQuade's nationwide jingle contest.

I'm not saying you have to give it five stars or anything. Just rate it however you deem appropriate. I happen to think it's wildly catchy, myself, and wouldn't at all mind hearing it numerous times a day, even with obnoxious echoing voiceover, say over the tinny speakers embedded in the ceiling of a really soul-sucking office environment full of dirty beige cubicle dividers and fluorescent lighting, where having a coffee mug with your favourite sports team's logo on it counts as an act of self-expression and the only thing preventing you from stabbing your ballpoint pen with the name and address of one of the suppliers you sometimes have to talk to on the phone — either to order some mind-numbingly dull item like paperclips or toner or something more specialized that anyone outside of your industry wouldn't know or even have any reason to want to know what the heck it is, and if you're really honest with yourself those phone conversations are usually the high point in your day, because at least something happened, never mind how mundane, that you didn't already know was going to happen when you woke up that morning — printed on it into the neck of the coworker beside you who has been making a sniffling sound every 10 to 15 seconds for eight minutes now but who refuses to blow his nose even though he keeps a box of tissues within arm's reach on his desk and has immediately and without exception offered one to anyone who has ever sneezed in the office, ever (no matter how imperceptibly or how many cubicles away, so how could his sudden apparent ignorance of their existence be taken as anything but a cunning bit of passive aggression designed to make your day just a little bit more miserable than usual?) is one of the aforementioned beige dividers.

But maybe you feel otherwise. That's OK. There are different categories in the contest for different genres of music. Ours is in the "Modern Rock / Alternative" category, but maybe that's not exactly your cup of tea. If you're interested in hearing other entries, do yourself a favour and check out this sure winner from the "Classic Rock" section.


Pen & Rix Place said...

I wanted to vote but it isn't until May 9! What can i do?

Andrew said...

Huh. Weird! They just changed that today, because the official voting had previously begun May 1. But I think you can still vote on it — just click the appropriate star. I don't know if they'll wipe off all those votes come May 9, or what.

Alison said...

Rockin groove, man!