Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vanity of Vanities; All Is Vanity*

So I go to get my hair cut yesterday by our friend Krista, and I can see that the vees in my receding hairline have increased in depth since the last time I was in. We now have to resort to strategic, Bieberesque trickery to keep them from showing up as large holes of nakedness on an otherwise covered scalp. I asked Krista what we're going to do when they get too big to cover up, and she said, "Shave it off." She was being flippant, but very short hair is kind of the only way to pull off male pattern baldness.

It's not at that point yet, but the inevitability is freaking me out a little. I can't do really short hair. Have you seen my ears? No, it looks like a wig will be the only solution...

And by the way, I don't mind these symptoms of aging when they're gradual. Noticing that I have less hair than I did five years ago? No problem — it's to be expected. But less hair than I had last time I got a haircut is going too far. Come on!

*Yes, I realize that pride in one's appearance is not the meaning of "vanity" in this quote. The other meaning suits the post just as well, though, don't you think?


St. Louis Family said...

You could do a Justin Beiber and comb it all forward! I think you could pull that off quite well with your thick locks!

Anonymous said...

I hear stress can cause hair loss

EJ said...

I keep noticing more and more age spots on my hands, arms, legs, face... Yikes. We're too young to be old. Aren't we?