Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nu Toonage

Here's one of the songs I'll be playing on June 3. It's a fairly new one. I'd already made a drum machine pattern for it from the last show I played, but I recorded it last night as a way of making up a keyboard part for Alison to learn. Think it turned out pretty neat.

Incidentally, I was out of town in a giant military bomb shelter yesterday evening, where our friend Mitchell has been living and making art since February. He was showing his and some other people's incredible work before he moves out and leaves for Brooklyn. The whole experience was quite eerie and mind-blowing. But so Alison and I were both underground, surrounded by an electromagnetic forcefield when the Rapture was supposed to happen at 6:00, and I haven't heard the news: Did it happen? Did anyone witness any smugly pious people rising into the air? Am I now addressing only my fellow unchosen, damned to walk the earth in unbearable torment for five months before it's destroyed by fire? Is this what unbearable torment feels like? It's good to have a sense of these things...

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