I finally finished my track for the upcoming Super Friendz tribute compilation!
Check it out, for a limited time. First bit of recording I've done in a long while, and almost the last of the loose ends needing to be tied up around here.
Alison's off to Toronto for Christmas tomorrow, and I'll be following the next day. Hope to see some regular Our Blogloo readers while we're there. To everyone else, Merry God-incarnate-mas, and Joyful Solstice!
- Andrew
(Thanks to Peacay at Bibliodyssey.)
I really enjoyed your compilations. How do I get a copy for myself?
Loved watching the Ernie and Bert clips. Will watch some more later. I sent the link to Alyssa. Thought she'd enjoy hearing it in South Korea.
See you soon.
Thanks, Mom. The compilation will actually be a whole album of Super Friendz songs, each done by a different artist or band. Out sometime early in aught nine. Maybe just available digitally, I'm not sure.
- Andrew
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