Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cynical, Antisocial Satire and Unabashedly Sweet, Anachronistic Croonin' — I'll Take It All!

Is anyone else looking forward to the Simpsons movie as much as I am? Of course, I'm sure millions of people are. What a stupid question. I guess it's a new bit of excitement for me. I hadn't really thought much about it at all, but recently I've been reading and re-appreciating a bunch of old Life In Hell strips. I remember my kneejerk contrarian friend Buffy always said when Groening's TV vehicle was still a new thing that she preferred the comic strip, and I accused her of being a kneejerk contrarian, which, as I mentioned, she is. However, I'm reminded now that there was something pretty great and inimitable about that strip. So many jokes in such a small space!

Anyway, I'm sure the movie will be provocatively compelling, with enough additional layers lurking in the mises-en-scène to warrant repeated viewing.

The other thing I'm really into lately is Burl Ives. I bought a 1973 compilation record at a church yard sale in Yarmouth, and am totally digging it. There go whatever hipster credentials I may once have believed myself to possess, though, in my defense, I hear Frank Black is a big fan.

- Andrew

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