Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Plenty Going On

The most exciting news around here right now, for me, anyway, is that I've written and recorded a jingle for one of our clients at the ad agency where I work. And I think it's going to get used! I REALLY, REALLY want to put it on here so you can hear it, but that would possibly get me fired, and I should wait until it's gone through all the hoops and revisions anyway. But I don't mind telling you, it's super catchy. I'm very psyched to hear it on the radio.

We went to a party at our friends Ron and Kristina's in Dartmouth on Saturday. It was a really fun time. I'd recently decided I didn't want to drink any more because the combination of alcohol in me and the annoying self-aggrandizing behaviour of drunk people around me brings out a certain biliousness in me that I don't like. But at this party I had a couple of glasses of wine and still had a really nice time talking with everyone. Maybe it's just bars that I hate. Especially the smoking ones. Yuck!

As of this Friday, there's no more smoking in any public places in Halifax. A lot of people are telling me that includes anwhere outdoors that is not your own backyard, but I find this pretty hard to believe. If it's true, that seems like some very tough love. I don't know what all those wretched nicotine addicts are going to do! Every day I thank my lucky stars that I'm no longer one of them.

Allen Carr, the guy who wrote the book I and Ali and many of our friends used to successfully quit smoking, now has lung cancer. Could be because of the many years for which he smoked before quitting twenty or so ago, or it might be related to all the second-hand smoke he's inhaled since then, helping others who want to quit. He encourages smokers to continue smoking as much as they want until they're ready to stop on his program, so that their powers of concentration will not be diminished while he de-brainwashes them. Whatever the root cause is, it's very sad. He's helped so many people, and is still unrecognized by any advertised cessation programs. I guess he's writing one last book about that very "scandal".

Final bit of news: I've been doing some rehearsing with Al Tuck, and will probably be playing a show with him and one or two other guys on Friday night at Gus' Pub. He's back in Halifax now, so I hope this'll be an ongoing deal. He's such a great songwriter, and a heck of a guy.

OK, must go tweak some cheesy drum sounds now. Still no Borat in sight!

- Andrew

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