Thursday, November 23, 2006

Celebrations Part II

The Thai dinner was great and the bowling was even better. We went to the alley with Krista and her friend Steve, grabbed some ugly shoes and hurled some balls pinward. Pretty soon Johanna showed up, and then Cliff. I won the first two strings semi-handily, but then Steve came out of nowhere in the third with a score over 150, beating all previous scores by a substantial margin.

I got some real nice gifts and had a very fun birthday, so thanks a lot to everyone. One of my coworkers told me how her forties were the best decade of her life, which I thought was rushing things a bit since I only turned 39, but still nice. Krista gave me Mountain Man Dance Moves: The McSweeney's Book of Lists, from which we all read while bowling and at which we generally busted guts. The lists referred to are somewhat like David Letterman's Top Ten lists, but generally wittier. And there are lots of them. Here's a sample:

Lesser Known Movie Prequels

Borderline-Inappropriate Dancing
Four Bachelorette Parties and a Friend in the Hospital
Joseph and the Nondescript Monochrome Sportcoat
There Are Plenty of Mohicans

I drove Alison crazy last night reading it in bed, chortling, and outright guffawing until all hours. I was actually still laughing as I fell asleep.

Today at work I was assigned the task of writing a jingle, about which I'm super excited, so I'd better go work on that now. It's for a car dealership. Anyone know a good rhyme for micropolymers?

- Andrew


Andrew said...

Commenting on my own blog post: is that weird? Alison corrected me last night about Steve's bowling score. It was not actually over 150, but 138. She remembers saying it out loud many times.

Also, I forgot to mention that yesterday I got a birthday card from the St. Louises in the mail, which was incredibly sweet, but when I opened it up a rubber-band-powered mechanical butterfly fluttered out of the card and flapped all over the place, scaring the bejeezus out of me. And I was low on bejeezus to begin with. I dropped the card and let out a very girly shriek in the middle of reading it out loud to Alison, causing her to come running from the other room. Pretty funny, in retrospect. I'll get you back, Hannah!

- Andrew

St. Louis Family said...

I think I had the exact same reaction when Mom stuck one in my birthday card.