Friday, November 17, 2006

Our Wonderful, Creative Friends

The other day our friend Al came over and ended up staying over for a couple of nights. We played some of his songs together with two other musicians. It was really fun, and I think we're going to try to work up a set for a show on December 1st. Then the next day he brought his daughter, Isabel, over for a short visit. Holy cow, what a cutie. She just turned one and the natural showmanship is astounding.

She really didn't want to leave when the time came.

Buster was not into Isabel at all. He wouldn't go away from her and eventually hissed at her and I had to banish him to the sunroom. He likes that room anyway, but I wish he could learn not to be like that. There doesn't seem to be anything we can do to convince him that he needn't worry. Now Al may spend another night here with Isabel, and I'm a little worried about how that might play out.

Also last night, we went to our friend Rebecca's book launch at the Argyle Fine Art Gallery. It's a collection of the "House of Sugar" comics she did for The Coast (Halifax's snarky and underinformed entertainment rag), an autographed copy of which we were very glad to purchase because they were so good and there were lots we hadn't read. The book looks great, too. Nice spot varnish on the cover. And they also had a lot of her woodburning-and-then-watercolour painting artwork displayed, which is all gorgeous.

Has anyone seen Borat yet? I still haven't had a chance. Looks pretty funny. Plus now there's a new one of those Christopher Guest movies coming out, which I'm sure will be fantastic. I'm so busy lately, though... Tomorrow I have to wade through 14 hours of dictaphone tapes, trying to find an electric piano part to one of Al's songs (I don't even remember which song), which I'm convinced is pure gold. Wish me luck!

- Andrew

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