Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Links Galore

I'm not feeling so hot these days. I've kind of screwed up my back somehow. It was probably related to all the time I spent lately sitting in front of a computer (which, by the way, is still not completely working). Or it could be from when I backed up into the "fireplace" mantle in our workroom bent over. Then again, I don't think the lower-back-intensive yoga class last weekend really helped things either. Whatever it was that caused me to spontaneously collapse onto the floor in pain on Sunday, I have to appease it for awhile. So I'm missing the second Tuesday night yoga class in a row tonight. Gives me a chance to listen to Downbeat for Danger, though, which I usually have to miss.

I'm also trying hard not to get a cold. Almost everyone at work either has it or has had it and it doesn't seem like much fun. A few symptoms in, I'm taking lots of ColdFX and crossing my fingers. Sugary pop music seems to help. For instance, when I heard this song on the radio by Vancouver band, The Yoko Casionos, I felt so much better that I rushed out and ordered the sold out CD from my local Record Man. Now I'm wondering whether I'm really going to enjoy it. Well, it was fun at work, anyway, and it keeps the old sinuses clear.

The weather's getting colder and darker fast, so it must be time to start stockpiling books. I just started one called Adcult USA: The Triumph of Advertising in American Culture, which I borrowed from my boss. He'd been reading it but seemed to have stalled — possibly a case of the converted being preached to. The author, James B. Twitchell, is trying to build a case that there is no meaningful distinction between high art and advertising. He's coming from an academic background (he's a professor of English), so it's pretty interesting. If he wins me over, maybe I'll feel a little better about the devil's work I do. Probably not, though.

In other entertainment news, I really want to see Marie Antoinette and Running with Scissors. Anybody got any opinions on either of 'em? Ali and I will probably catch the former with Krista this week.

Finally, here's an interesting Dove ad/public service announcement. Makes you think. Where can I learn those Photoshop techniques?

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

After the Dove ad , I watched the transformation of Michael Jackson's face. Freaky!!


Andrew said...

I didn't really know what you were talking about, but I looked it up. Man, that is super creepy.

- Andrew