Thursday, October 05, 2006

16 Things You Should Know

Alison made it through her first class of teaching last night. She'd been pretty nervous and realized afterwards that she had no idea what she said in the first ten minutes. A couple of well-deserved beers later, she felt all right about how it went.

We're going to see Joel Plaskett, Matt Mays, and Pete Elkas play a free outdoor show in Dartmouth right after work tonight.

Everything but the F#'s and C#'s is in tune and plucking at a reasonably consistent volume on the harpsichord.

We're probably going to a cottage this weekend with Krista.

I have an ambitious and I hope inspiring secret musical project planned for myself the weekend after this.

Breathing is the key to everything.

Jeff is coming to town again and there is a very small window of opportunity on Friday wherein we will see him, barring unforeseen venetian blinds of frustration.

The new Beck album is full of enjoyable grooves and the videos that come with it are hilariously ugly.

I have a love/hate relationship with words. They allow me to express beauty while preventing me from seeing it.

Halifax Pop Explosion is coming up. Quite a few acts I'm hoping to see this year.

There is a potato plant growing out from under our kitchen wall.

Friends With Money is a really great film. I don't know why we missed it in the theatres.

We're planning to play tennis with Johanna after the show tonight.

Canned kidney beans with tofu, lemon juice, soy sauce and ginger make a nice salad, but not right before yoga.

Buster has a good ear for harpsichord tuning, though his attitude toward the process could use some work.

Yoga can save the world.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Way to go Ali!!! Sounds as if you're pretty upbeat, And, with lots of interesting things in the offing. Granny Gwen arrives here today for a few days with us. Thanksgiving dinner here will be me, Dad, Mike , Bennett and GG.
I know what you mean about yoga, or any physical activity being the key. I have never been so fit in my life. I'm doing 3 group classes - 1 fusion (combo of yoga and pilates), 1 conditioning plus (weights, balls bands, etc) and the last one is step. That one is a bit too aerobic but I will try one more class before I decide if it is making me stronger or killing me.


St. Louis Family said...

What a teaser of a blog! I want to know more about everything. Ali, I'm so happy for you teaching your class...what an excellent job! Andrew, I'm so curious about your secret musical project...I guess I'll have to call sometime...sorry it's been so long!


EJ said...

I can't believe you used the word "great" about a movie with Jennifer Anniston in it. I was thinking about renting that movie, but wasn't really whether to bother or not. I definitely will now.

Glad to hear your class went well Ali. Wish we could have been there for the celebratory beer afterwards.


Andrew said...

What's wrong with Jennifer Aniston? She's a fine actress: Office Space, The Good Girl, ... Derailed was not so bad, and I heard Along Came Polly was pretty funny. Well, probably not that funny, but she's generally pretty solid, I'd say. Too bad she had to be that famous homosexual actor's decoy wife for awhile, but he's got someone else to do that now.

- Andrew