Sunday, April 09, 2006

This Just In: Not Much Going On

I can't believe how little has happened in the past seven days. It seems like staying up late last Sunday after the you-know-what-o's and having a couple of beers pretty much threw me out of whack for the entire week. I was often cranky and stressed out at work, and never felt like doing much besides watching Season Four of Six Feet Under when I got home. There was no yoga class on Tuesday, so that might have had something to do with it. What if it turns out that yoga is actually bad for you, and only seems healthy because after awhile you start feeling sub-par if you don't do it, as with any addiction? Maybe in twenty years we'll see yoga instructors vilified in court just as harshly as the tobacco industry recently has been.

The SFU, by the way, is a season we already saw, but the fifth and final season recently came out and we wanted to be completely clued in before watching it. Season Four really held up to our intense and hungry scrutiny; the writing on that show is so terrific, as is the entire cast. We took the box set out for an extra week, but didn't end up needing it, and now we've begun watching Season Five.

Lest you think our time has been entirely unproductive, here's a couple of photos from a roll of film Alison finally finished off and got developed. The first is the parking lot outside the movie theatre from when we went to see The New World back in February. I think I told you about that. Oh yes, here it is: "When we got out of the film 2.5 hours later, the sun had just gone down and this really weird fog had settled everywhere. The giant yellow sulfur parking lot lights above it were creating purple haze without the drugs or feedback, and the sky was a brilliant indigo with a bright half moon right in the centre. It was really beautiful and Ali got a picture of it, but unfortunately it's analog on a roll of 36, so it won't be available for some time."

The second photo is a pair of shoes Ali spotted in a store window and had to document so that I would believe her. It's called "Let Me Check".

Also, I wrote a poem. It's sort of an ode, inspired by my dinner one night:
The mushroom is
A delicious fungus.
If you only eat one,
It should be humongous.

Krista suggested I do a whole series of them which could be made into a children's book. I think it's a fabulous idea. I would call it A Child's Garden of Vegetables, illustrations by Alison Beckett. Anyone have any suggestions for material?

We did some laundry today and went to the nearby bookstore while waiting for the dryers to finish, what with the hippy café being kaput and all. I picked up John Ralston Saul's On Equilibrium so I'll have it available for lending when anyone shows any interest in it, and Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. I've been meaning to read the latter for a long time and by the sheer physical weight of it I think that's exactly what I will be doing. Seems like it's going to be pretty entertaining, though. Then there was an impromptu pre-season softball practice after laundry, and everyone was looking real good. It felt great to get some exercise outdoors, even though it was sort of cold and quite grey.

Oh of course, how could I forget? I also went to see a band from Montreal called Torngat play at Gus' Pub on Friday night. It was a really late night in a really smoky bar, for which I'm still paying today, but completely worth it. They're three multi-instrumentalists who make a huge experimental post-rock sound with drums, french horn, various keyboards and effect pedals, trumpet, and even sometimes a xylophone. Pretty exciting stuff and all for just five bucks, which included two other bands as well. My friends Meg and Tomomi were there too and we all super loved it.

But tonight it's early to bed for me, so au revoir for now.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

Hi And,

On the yoga instructors front, they should be more vilified than the tobacco co execs. After all, the execs had lots of research showing tobacco was doing no harm. The sam cannot be said for the yoga instructors, they are working with full knowledge they are probably screwing everybody up.

Love the kids poetry idea. I will send tyhe completed Jack Bear story in a few days - after Jack gets the official copy.


EJ said...

Here's my contribution:

Sukie's brother
likes mashed potatoes.
I like mine diced
with tomatoes.

Andrew said...

Nice one, Er! Who's Sukie?

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

definately gots to do the poetry book idea. You could make your own books too and sell them. Probably wouldn't be too hard to make something look really good on your own. Yoga contributes to heart disease and most forms of the c word disease. That information hasn't been made public yet so i can't say it directly and must remain anonymous.
take care
danny woodrow, see ya if i ever get off this damn rock they call newfoundland.