Saturday, February 11, 2006

Stupid, stupid internet!

I put this post up around four days ago wherein I asked if anyone knew the origin of a certain saying, and I was wondering why no one had responded, then I realized yesterday that it had disappeared! Weird. It was definitely there before.

The saying is, "Know thyself, and to thine own heart be true." It just suddenly popped into my head the other day and struck me as incredibly wise. I like that you get the (fairly standard) advice to be true to yourself, or rather to that part of yourself to which it's particularly important to listen, but before even doing that you're advised to first know yourself. I think that's a step that a lot of people skip without realizing it. So anyway, DOES anyone know where it's from? I'd really like to see it in the original context. My admittedly lazy googling has turned up a lot of: 1) "some guy once said.." or 2) "As Shakespeare says..." (Through which character? In which play?), and that's only putting in one of the two connected clauses at a time. The entire quote has apparently only ever been written once on the internet. It's unattributed, and the writer in fact says, "At least I think that's how it goes. Email me if I'm wrong." Type it in quotation marks if you don't believe me.

In other news: I got a raise! My bosses finally gave me the review that I was supposed to have at the end of December, and gave me a raise that is retroactive from that date. Yeah! Free money!

Alison's been working a lot lately too, doing a lot of photo assisting, which she is in fact doing right now, on top of her work for the government, or "the glub glub gang," as we like to call them. So I guess we'll be smoking big cigars and taking limos everywhere for a little while.

Thumbsucker: see it! It never came here when it was in theatres, but it's finally out on DVD so we rented it, and I really really liked it. The main actor is great at being awkward. The director is Miranda July's boyfriend. So you know it's good. Even Keanu Reeves doesn't suck in it.

The Junos: I may be on them. They're here this year, and Buck 65 will be playing, and my services may be required. Maybe I shouldn't say anything in such a public forum, but what the hell. It looks fairly certain, though I've probably just jinxed it. I'll keep you posted.

Dream: I was reading the newspaper, and I could actually see and remember what the headline said. It was, "Royal Targets Empathy: Sentences Even Samosas." Doesn't that sound like a cryptic crossword clue?

Cold weather: sucks. But I shouldn't complain, 'cause we really haven't had much. But brrrrrr!

Ali's home now. Gotta go warm up.

- Andrew

P.S. Sorry no snaps or sounds. Gotta get out more.


St. Louis Family said...

I definately read that post more than once but didn't reply because I didn't know who said the quote...where DID it go?!@#
- Dana
PS I hear you guys are about to get a crazy amount of snow...good luck! (not sarcastic)

Anonymous said...

anonymous = danny who is too lazy to choose an identity. Congrats on the raise and the limo rides. You seem to be living large in Halifax. Hope all is well with you and Alison. I saw thumbsucker in the video store but haven't rented it yet. Now i will. Is it really true about keanu reeve's not sucking? Now I've really got to rent it.
take care