Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Good excuse for antisocial insularity this time.

[Paranoid by Black Sabbath was here, but I'm taking all the copyrighted material off our Castpost account in the hopes that it will work again. Wish me luck. 3/27/06]

I guess I've officially joined the iPod generation. I know it's just one more way we're all keeping each other from infiltrating our mental space. But here in Halifax, we're having one of those major snowstorms today, the kind where it looks like there's a real thick fog preventing you from seeing anything, and then when you finally catch a glimpse of something it's nothing but pure white anyway. I'm the only one at work right now because everyone figured it would be OK to come in late, but I had to get something over to the newspaper first thing. When you think of me walking the deserted blocks of biblical weather in my rubber boots, listening to this on my mp3 player and feeling like some kind of really tough pioneer, you can probably imagine the smile that wouldn't disappear even if I wanted it to. Check out that guitar solo where the melody is in one ear and the distortion in the other! Wow.

Then this Cuban guy, Isaac Oviedo, came on playing quiet tres guitar and singing croakily and it was somehow even better. There's something about Cuban music that always goes great with snowy Canadian winters. And not just in some ironic, juxtaposed way, either. It's like the relaxed polyrhythms perfectly match the rhythms of the snowflakes falling or something. If I live to be 200 I'll never even pretend to understand it.

- Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think it was supposed to sound the way it did when I tried to play it. It kept cutting in and out. I heard you had a major snowstorm. Do you need winter boots? It's 8 degrees and spring here. Just got back from Montreal where it was winter. What a crazy country. I feel as if we live in a different world. I'm sure our winter will come one of these days and you can all laugh at us.

Love, Mum