Monday, February 13, 2006

I Love Sundays

So, Ali got home from the photo shoot on Saturday, and she brought back a sample portrait. They were shooting kids and babies sitting at a table, and she was required to sit in for some lighting measurements:

The next day we got a dumpload of snow. We decided to venture out and get some movies so we could be entertained while the weather raged outside. It was kind of fun walking around in it, but I was glad to get back into the house, where I could warm up with a hot bath.

We got a really nice email from our friend Matt in Toronto, to which a response is forthcoming, listened to some Sunday Edition and some Sonic Youth (Washing Machine -- man, that last song is long!), and spent some quality time with the DVD player. Junebug - sentimental and surprisingly lacking in surprises, but pretty worthwhile; The Aristocrats - entertaining, for a completely juvenile documentary, but don't watch while eating dinner. Even managed to see a bit of the winter olympics. Snowboarding. Those guys are so not athletes -- just a bunch of stoners. But I enjoyed watching it. It's really weird hearing the commentators talk seriously about the boarders' "old-school stylee". REALLY weird. Almost as weird as Brian Williams repeatedly referring to the central area of the opening ceremonies as the "mosh pit".


St. Louis Family said...

That's beautiful light on grumpy Ali as a baby! And I REALLY love the one of Andrew in the tub! You should put more of your photos on the blog!!

Andrew said...

Ali's the queen of lighting.

- Andrew

Andrew said...

Um, it's window light with a diffusion curtain set up outside. I can't take credit for this...James is the superstar. I tag along for the ride. But thanks hon. :)
