Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sail Away, Little Boats!

Well, I felt quite a bit better today. Who can say what brings on these periods of anguish? They seem to come and go with zero predictability or connection to any real circumstances. But I got plenty of sleep last night and exercised this morning, which apparently warded off the feistier demons.

And guess what? I kicked my own ass this evening and finally put an album of solo material on Bandcamp, as I've been threatening to do for a couple of years now. Geez, some of these songs are over ten years old!

Anyway, my children are free at last. It's like a giant weight I've been lugging around has been uploaded from my shoulders. There were two more songs I'd planned on finishing and adding to the collection, but it just never seemed to happen. I guess those ones will have to wait for the next album.


Anonymous said...

I'm loving what I've listened to so far. Can't I buy a real CD??

Andrew said...

Nope. But you can download one of the lossless formats, burn a CD-R, and print out the cover image. A little more work, but it doesn't cost me anything, so you get it for only six bucks.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll have to get Dad to help me but it's worth it. I'll give you more than $6!

Andrew said...

Sweeeet! Thanks, Mom.