Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Wheel Giveth...

I got some bad news at work today. It looks like my dream job may not be such a dream anymore, as it's about to have half of another person's job added onto it indefinitely. I'm quite bummed about it. The new role is really not the kind of work I like doing, it's going to significantly eat into the amount of time I can spend on the work I was hired for, the relaxed mental space I've been enjoying will become overtaxed, and the way the whole handoff went down seems surprisingly opaque and deceptive. Maybe it's some kind of Buddhist lesson in karma. I get that everything is impermanent and that pain and pleasure come and go in cycles. I guess I just expected the pleasure to last a little longer than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh No! You were so loving your job. How could it change so quickly?
