Saturday, September 28, 2013

OK, One More Story...

... and maybe this can count as Saturday's post, as it's well after midnight now. I was just turning out the light and getting into bed after finishing the previous post, when I heard someone outside calling my name. But they sounded kind of far away, so I decided it must be a coincidence and ignored it.

Then it continued, much closer now. It was either a woman or a man with a high-pitched voice. They kept calling, "Andrew! Andrew!" over and over. I turned on the light again. The shouting continued. It was kind of creeping me out, because I didn't recognize the woman's (or possibly man's) frantic voice. But I was also starting to think they really must be calling up to me from the street, so I forced myself to go to the window.

When I opened the curtain, at first I couldn't see anything because it was dark outside. But then I noticed some movement on the sidewalk under my window. It looked like someone crouching or maybe crawling around. The voice continued to call my name. Now I was really getting seriously creeped out.

Suddenly, I realized that what I was looking at was a large dog. The disembodied voice said, "Andrew! Get over here right now!" And the dog trotted obediently up the sidewalk and out of sight.

Good night.

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