Thursday, July 04, 2013

RIP, Buster

Buster was acting very old and tired lately, and getting really skinny. This morning I found him sleeping in his litter box, very unresponsive. I called Alison, and we took him to the vet. He turned out to have severe kidney failure going on. On the vet's recommendation, we had him put down this evening, after Alison spent the day saying goodbye to him. We're both mighty sad about it.

He was a good pal for 18 years, and a real champ. We'll sure miss you, little buddy.


Pen & Rix Place said...

So sorry to hear Buster is gone. He was a good pal for many years.

St. Louis Family said...

I am so sorry, And. Amy was the same when she died, we found her lying in her litter box and she died in my arms about an hour later. I know how rotten it feels, but know that you did what was best for Buster. Glad you have so many great photos and memories of him!