Friday, July 05, 2013

RIP, Lappy

And now my Macbook laptop is officially dead. I had brought it to the cottage on the weekend for music and movies, and when I brought it back I packed in the same knapsack the remainder of a jar of pickles we'd bought. Really stupid idea. The pickles opened on the way home and the computer soaked up all the juice.

It wouldn't turn on when I got home, so I let it dry for four days, to no avail. Today I brought it into the shop, where they opened it up and found more corrosion than I've ever seen on any electronics. My files can be salvaged from the hard drive, but I'm out 1,200 bucks as far as a usable computer is concerned.

Most expensive pickles ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OOh! I guess you never pack your laptop in with liquids, particularly pickles. Glad you could save the files. Talk soon.
LV, Mum