Monday, March 25, 2013

Productive Despite Myself

Monday morning. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. The vast quantities of work that have to get done around here continue, preventing me from spending any time on blogging or even emailing, let alone anything that requires standing up or looking at things that are not a computer.

However, I was able to get out on Saturday to buy some very needed new pants. When it comes to clothes, I pretty much agree with Harvey Pekar that people spend way too much money on them and then look like crap anyway. And I really hate the ordeal of trying to find something you even like and/or fit into just so you can hand over your hard-earned cash. So it was nice of Alison to come with me and offer her advice. We spent most of the afternoon looking in every store we could think of. I started getting tired and very frustrated, but the "one last store" we tried had lots of decent pants that were available in my size. Sure, they were expensive. But I would've paid a couple of hundred dollars just to stop shopping at that point.

Other than that, besides nine billable hours of work, I also got a new song recorded this weekend. It was rattling around in my head and driving me crazy, so I just had to get it out, even though there really wasn't any time to spend on it. It's fairly scrappy in quality, therefore, but I finished it super fast and didn't even use any microphones. Garageband is incredible these days! It's unbelievable to me that I can sing an idea to my laptop and come away a couple of hours later with something that sounds this good.

That sun's supposed to be going down instead of coming up, by the way (remnant of an earlier verse sequence), but I can't be bothered to go back and fix it. Now to get some more work done!

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