Thursday, March 22, 2012

Still Breathing

Just so you know, I'm not dead or anything. I HAVE been sick again, I'm embarrassed to say. Week-long cold, eye rash, stye, the whole chimichanga. I even grew a beard, of sorts, while I was spending so much time indoors alone. It wasn't a pretty sight.

But now spring is here, things are happening, the weather's fine... It's 26 degrees out there right now! What am I doing in here, sitting in front of a computer? Should be out on the bike.

Yesterday was equally nice, and I biked over to Dartmouth in the evening for a band practice with my friend Kristina. We've been jamming mostly weekly, putting together a scrappy little project called Guts. Me on guitar, Kristina on drums. There was a third guy temporarily involved, but we're back to a two-piece now, and loving it.

I'm theoretically in five bands right now, if you can believe it. I bought myself a new (to me) Fender Jazz bass yesterday with some money that finally came in for a big project I'd done. I really needed a bass for some of these bands, plus I wanted to get myself something nice with the money before it all disappeared into various debts.

Anyway, gotta get some work done now so I can get outside and enjoy the sunshine a bit. I just didn't want any undue worrying. I'll be back soon — promise.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're better. What a bummer getting sick with such wonderful weather. That's great that you got a new guitar. We must catch up. Maybe Sunday!


St. Louis Family said...

hope that's the money you were long waiting for!!

Andrew said...

No, it's not. I'm gonna have to go talk to that guy in a menacing tone...