Friday, March 30, 2012

Coming Out

Time to bust open this cocoon I've been in all winter. It seems to really be spring now, and the weather's a lot more dependably seasonable. I've started getting out of the house more — socializing, playing music, and generally wandering around in the sunshine. I even had some windows open today.

I guess work and band practices have been keeping me indoors quite a lot this past week, but the bike has also seen its fair share of use. And yesterday I went to the park with Amber, where we spent a good part of the afternoon cloud-gazing and watching the sunlight twinkle on the water. I hadn't really done the former since I was a kid. Highly recommended, if you can make the time. We saw a giant cyclopean skull, a banana fish, and a lot of mutating water vapor.

This week will see me doing my income tax, but even that can't put a damper on this vernal spirit. I'm a fresh-air-breathing, lyric-writing, instrument-playing, friend-greeting machine!

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