Thursday, September 29, 2011


Recently someone tipped me off to this incredible music blog, Hippies Before Priests. It's nothing but downloadable mixes of obscure and interesting music, each with its own inscrutable title and blurry black & white cover. Each mix is also compiled into one MP3 file (so there's no skipping tracks or shuffling), with all the tracks volume-equalized and cross-faded lovingly into each other. Just like an old mixtape — brilliant!

I've been downloading them like crazy and enjoying them all. Whoever the guy was creating them, he hasn't made one since December of last year, so I think he might be done. I got all inspired and made a mix of my own, though, so here you go. The title is the download link.

Breakfast Cloud
1. Sunday Morning (live) - The Velvet Underground
2. Ouroboros - Oneohtrix Point Never
3. Magooba - You
4. Besvarjelse Rota - Joakim Skogsberg
5. See Through You - The Oscillation
6. Father Cannot Yell - Can
7. Stainless Steel Gamelan - John Cale & Sterling Morrison
8. Cryndod yn Dy Lais - Super Furry Animals
9. Foot and Mouth '68 - Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
10. Momentary Expanse - Tristan Perich
11. Please Wake Me Up - Tom Waits

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hey nice one, I'll have to check it out ! I love your mixes!