Thursday, September 08, 2011

Long Weekend on the Trail

I should have mentioned after dropping that bomb on you in the last post that Alison and I would be in Cape Breton last weekend. I basically begged for feedback on my big news and then ran out the door for three days — sorry.

Anyway, we drove around the Cabot Trail, getting out many times along the way to take pictures, and even going on a couple of short hikes. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, you'll have to take my word for it, because Ali has all the photos and is now in another apartment without internet. Bah!

Maybe you can just pretend these are ours:

We saw a moose on the first trail we hiked along — REALLY close up! I'd only ever seen a dead one before.

This trail — the Skyline — was spectacular. It ends on a really high, really narrow ridge overlooking a deep valley, the ocean, and the Cabot Trail itself, far below. It's also the trail that that girl got killed by a coyote on, in case the view is not fear-inducing enough.


EJ said...

Amazing! Can't wait to see the real pics.

Pen & Rix Place said...

me too

Andrew said...

Well, feast your eyes above!