Wednesday, April 07, 2010

My Life in the Ghosts of Bush

Last weekend we went to our friend Johanna's parents' cottage on the South Shore and had a real nice time being in nature, conserving water, and playing Careers. We also rode on the LaHave ferry and explored a few beaches not too far away. Soon I hope to have pictures to show you. I know you Facebook people have already seen some (grrr), but there's some others that I'll be posting when they become available.

In the meantime, since there's nothing else going on around here but lots of work, let me share another piece of pop culture that has no connection to my own life except insofar as I like it. Which is quite sofar, actually, in this case.

It's the latest Joanna Newsom album. I received it in the mail last week and haven't been able to stop listening to it. I don't know what you guys think of her (though I'm pretty sure there's at least some of you who think she has the most irritating voice imaginable and I'd have to be some kind of masochist to listen to more than 10 seconds of her singing in a sitting), but I'm a pretty big fan. I know she sounds like Lisa Simpson. Maybe that's part of the appeal — that despite such a weird idiosyncrasy she manages to make something so beautiful and compelling.

But anyway, on this album, Have One on Me, which, by the way, is three CDs long, there's an element of maturity to her voice that I don't think was there before. It's a little less brittle, a little sweeter. I also hear some Kate Bush and even Joni Mitchell influences creeping in, the former especially on this song right here.

I was never a huge Kate Bush fan back in the 'eighties, but lately she keeps popping up in contemporary music as an influence (Björk, M83, Bat for Lashes, Fever Ray) and I find myself consistently gaga over the hopelessly romantic results. So maybe it's time to revisit that missing link in the evolution of my personal taste. Any recommendations of where to start?

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