Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Deal Tonight

It's late at night and I should be asleep. We'll be helping our friends Meg and KC move into a new apartment tomorrow, a little closer to our neighbourhood. I'm drinking a cup of tea and trying not to drift off before I get into the bed, but I just wanted to say that I'm super busy with work, having been blessed with THREE new clients this week, one of whom was not even referred to me, but found me on the internet on their own. Great stuff, as long as I can actually get all the work done.

Besides work work work, I've been reading a very interesting book about Kurt Gödel's and Albert Einstein's friendship at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study in the 'forties. Specifically, it's about a very surprising physical fact that Gödel was able to prove during that time: that in any universe described by the Theory of Relativity (which of course includes our own), time cannot exist. Einstein himself admitted that he could find no refutation to this proof, and it should have left any minds which hadn't already been blown by G's Incompleteness Theorem of 1931 somewhere in the stratosphere. But instead, it was completely forgotten. Pretty fascinating.

I've also been listening to Elliott Smith a lot. Have you heard of this guy? Kidding, of course, but I don't know why it's taken me till now to get around to giving him a fair shake. I really love it — like Nick Drake and John Lennon and Neil Young all rolled into one guy. What the heck was wrong with me in the 'nineties? I didn't have time for anything that wasn't Beck or Radiohead?

Anyways, that's my deal tonight.

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