Friday, January 01, 2010

Jan Won, Twenty-Ten

Happy new year, folks! I predict it's going to be a good one. Cultural trends this year:

Fantastic Mr. Fox provokes a huge slump in Pixar box office sales, as people remember the pleasures of animation produced by actual artists.

• More generally, a popular resentment builds against the time-wasting role of technology in our lives. In particular, people become angry about the hours they have been forced to spend keeping up superficial and vacuous relationships through the aid of high-tech gadgetry. Facebook and Twitter memberships plummet. "Hello? I'm on the bus," is an overheard conversation of the past when the most popular cellphone plan becomes "outgoing only." No one remembers what "apps" were.

• Homosexuality in Hollywood is finally accepted as a prevalent and unremarkable reality when A-list celebrities come out of the closet and virtually dare the world to stop loving them. Think Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, and Sacha Baron Cohen.

My resolutions this year are:

1. To tell the people I love how great they are.
2. To finish creative projects I start as quickly as possible, before they can lose what initially excited me about them.
3. To take more hikes in the woods.
4. To embrace my inner nerd.
5. 72 dpi

And you?

1 comment:

EJ said...

Glad you asked, cause now I am forced to put my resolutions into words, rather than just keep them as vague ideas in my head.

1. To go for 156 runs (3 per week spread out any way I like).
2. To enjoy my home more and worry less about its cleanliness.
3. To live more in the now and enjoy my time with my kids rather than focusing on what comes next or what I should be doing.