Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en!

And happy anniversary to us! Number 14, don't y'know.

We didn't have any parties to go to or anything, but I thought we'd put on a little bit of a show for the kids. I found a couple of Elvis masks at The Bargain! Shop [punctuation theirs] and we dressed as a couple of Elvis fans. I also carved an Elvis-o-lantern that I think turned out pretty great.

I can never figure out how to do that sneer.

Alison's got it down OK.

I realized we didn't have any Presley records to play in the background, so we decided to be undiscriminating Elvis fans and listened to Costello all night instead. I'd bought 84 little chocolate bars, so we sat by the door with The Attractions blaring and waited for the miniature tykes... Unfortunately only six kids in total showed up. And one of those was the daughter of my coworker, Sherri, who lives out of town and who'd shown up to see the awesome pumpkin and terrible costume her weirdo friend (i.e. Sherri's friend, i.e. me) had come up with. She was the world's cutest horse (the daughter, not Sherri). I wish we'd gotten a picture of her (daughter again). Princess Leia, Hermione (sp?) (from Harry Potter), Spiderman, kangaroo, and vampire, by the way, in case you were wondering.

I'm starting to wonder whether there actually are any kids in Wolfville. There are plenty of old people and university students, and we see kids at the farmers' market on the weekends, but they could be brought in from surrounding towns. Alison claims to have seen at least five babies being pushed around in strollers by different women, but I say they could all be the same baby being cared for by some kind of communal mothering group. Sounds like the kind of thing they'd come up with around here. The Wolfville Baby, then, could be the hero in this sort of anti-Village-of-the-Damned story. Or maybe it's more like the reverse of that Star Trek episode where they visit a planet whose adults have all been killed off and Kirk has to try to reason with the children that there is value in adult life while they childishly ignore him. "NO blah blah blah!"

Our recently licensed Haligonian friend Johanna's coming this afternoon and staying overnight. She's driving! I'm hoping she'll want to watch the '70's version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers with us. We watched the recent remake, The Invasion, last night after the non-existent Wolfville kids failed to overcome their non-existence and show up looking for I have to say some pretty darn good candy which we'll now have to try very hard not to eat for weeks and weeks until there is none left. It was a slightly different take on the story, and very good. Nicole Kidman is a good emoter through feigned non-emotion. And Alison is a perfect horror movie audience: she jumps and shrieks in all the right places, a quality which I have a feeling Johanna shares.

- Andrew


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's lack of children in Wolfville. I think they don't go door to door anymore. I bought enough candy for about 80 kids and I think maybe 15 came ( including Hannah, Jack and Henry ) who arrived in costume to spend the night in order to escape the wild adult party at Dana and Jason's. We all turned in by 10 AM. (Th ols and the young were pooped).
I thought you guys were doing something special for your anniversary!


Andrew said...

We still are going to, don't you worry. Big plans.


Andrew said...

10 am! You guys are party animals!

- Andrew

EJ said...

So nice to hear about your Halloween. Your pumpkin and costumes were great! How long did that pumpkin take you? Sorry more kids didn't get to enjoy it.

St. Louis Family said...

What an amazing pumpkin!
Happy Anniversary! 14 years...that's crazy! We also didn't have too many kids...even more disappointing for our neighbours who the husband works for a staging company and their house was DONE UP! Great for our party though! Happy Halloween!

St. Louis Family said...

I forgot to ask who took the picture of the 2 of you's great!

Anonymous said...

That was 10PM.

Andrew said...

The pumpkin took about three hours including making the design from a photo, but was worth it. Alison took the photo — self-portrait.

- Andrew

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHHA! you guys look great! Happy anniversary!


johannatestblogger said...

Happy Anniversary!

And thanks for the great weekend!


Stacy Stevens said...

AMAZING costumes! I can't believe your luck at finding those masks!
I love the undiscriminating Elvis aspect, I would have loved to knock on your door that night!

Happy Happy Aniversary too!! Did you guys have a first dat/meet on halloween?

Andrew said...

Yup. Met at a party. Gilligan/Sixties Secretary. Hit it off immediately but didn't really get together till a few weeks later. But we consider that our anniversary, as it seems the most significant date in the fairly rapid courtship.

- Andrew