Saturday, September 20, 2008

Settling In and Running Out

Here's The Onion's tribute to David Foster Wallace. Very funny and fitting.

Back in Wolfville, things are coming along slowly but surely. I finally got the Acadia recruitment poster/brochure done that's been hanging over my head for weeks. Looks pretty good, too, I think. It'll be a bit of a defining piece for the look of a lot of the univeristy's materials, so I'm glad I was able to take the time to get it just right, even though it meant staying late a lot of nights. Now I can spend more time on the smaller pieces that always need taking care of. At least until we get started on the viewbook Tuesday morning.

We finally got some bookshelves in our place, so now we can unpack about half the boxes we moved here. I bought a set second-hand, which my coworker Sherri and her husband were kind enough to pick up with me in their SUV one evening. Not sure exactly where we're going to put them yet. I guess we should be just throwing stuff wherever and moving it if we don't like it. There never seems to be time to get this place together, and it just doesn't quite feel like a home yet. Even Buster seems to think so.

Maybe it's because of all the time we spend travelling back to Halifax. Alison's been in every day this week, and we both have been going in every weekend for one reason or another. This afternoon, I'll be catching the bus so that I can stay overnight at Meg's place so that we can be ready for softball at 8:30 tomorrow morning. There's a bunch of games being held all day for the few teams that are remaining in the league, at a diamond in Spryfield. The Halifax Commons are too ripped up from the Keith Urban show a couple of weeks ago to play the rest of the season there, even though that was where we were booked to play since before the summer started. Stupid country-music-loving, public-space-abusing city officials! Anyways, so now we've got to play the remaining two weekends' games all in one day, as that's the only time this other field is available. Which means a whole day of playing softball and waiting to play softball in Spryfield, home of the Spryfield Graffiti Tour and the world-famous House Which Looks Identical to the Houses on Either Side of It, and catching the late bus back to "Woofville".

And next weekend I'll be taking the bus in on Friday night to play a show with Al Tuck, opening for Garrett Mason. That one should be pretty fun, actually. I've never heard Garrett — son of Dutch Mason, "The Prime Minister of the Blues" — but I hear he's quite something on the old guitar.

In other music news, Alison and I went over to the semi-nearby house of Ken and Heidi, whom we don't really know but sort of do in a complicated and ancient way, to play some Gamelan music. Ken has a full set of Gamelan instruments(!) and invites people over semi-regularly to play some Javanese-style music on them. It was lots of fun and even sounded not too bad, I think. Their house is really nice and homey. Hope we can get ours feeling something like that. I guess I should get off this eletronic ego-box and get to work on it.

I'll show you some pictures soon. Promise.

- Andrew

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